Typography is inside everyone’s life, and that is why a graphic designer has to explore it and learn how to use it well. However, I think the typography is so widespread because it does not have general consistence. In every work, some people love it, but others might hate it. It is difficult to let everyone love it. Therefore, I think that combining various fonts is helpful to increase some new creations.

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For example, I really love the design of the “Walt Disney World.” The logo’s font really makes me feel a magical world, and the castle’s design really matches the concept of the Walt Disney World. Besides, the logo’s colors could be different to harmony with every character of the animations. To me, it is wonderful design of the logo, because it touches your hearts to link with its concepts. I feel that is the spirit of typography exactly.

(July 6, 2008, Posted on Visual Communication Theory & Practice Section 6 Blog)

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