I think that a lot of people have the same work as me this week from the profile project of the news writing class. When I found some information through the website, I found a special column in Syracuse.com, named Finding Orion.

GRA w6.jpg

It is a column talking about a the National Guard 27th Infantry Brigade in Afghanistan. I feel this topic is profund and interesting, and it's also surprising that this column is put in local pages. In my home country, Taiwan, you barely saw this kind of columns. Besides, I also found that the logo of it is really special. It is combined by three letters, and I think it's a simple and precise logo as well.

GRA w6 (2).jpg

The column not only collects a lot of elements of military lives, but also the lives and conditions of the soldiers' families. I think it is really worth for us to care.

(August 3, 2008, Posted on Visual Communication Theory & Practice Section 6 Blog)

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